Damian and Linda's Photography
Does It Have To Be Complicated?
I remember an advert for the Olympus Trip AF from the 1980s with George Cole and David Bailey where George Cole utters the immortal line "You want to get yourself a complicated camera".
Something of a parody for sure; many of us enjoy complexity in life but it's important not to get too dizzied by it. I enjoy complexity in photography - but only after I have understood it enough to make it seem simple.
When running my photographic business I wrote various essays on aspects of photography, pretty much entirely for my own benefit. I don't think anybody else has ever read them. I will probably add to them as I go. My goal was to make the jargon-laden world of photography seem a bit simpler, because in the end it's just about pointing the camera at what you like, making it sharp and getting the right amount of light.
If you see an error, good for you. Do let me know, but only if somewhere in your mind you entertain the notion that I could be right and you could be wrong - that way we stand the best chance of really correcting any errors that occur.
© 2006-2016 Damian Harty. Design by Andreas Viklund.